Student Solution


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2 Subjects

Module 8-Final Paper

Module 8-Final Paper

Q Write a 5 to 7 page paper on a topic of your choosing from the list below. In your paper formulate a theory or investigate the facts and prove them with properly validated source material. 1. How to conduct a compensation market analysis to determine a proper salary for a particular position. 2. The impact of the Obama Health Care Law on the workplace. 3. Why companies are moving toward defined contribution plans (e.g. 401 K) as opposed to defined benefit plans (standard, traditional pension plans). 4. A basic benefit package offered in manufacturing in the US. 5. Why the cost of health care premiums continues to increase.

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Medical expenses are dignified to continue with their moderately flat growth even in 2019 but many researchers stated that the balanced trend has now turned out to be unsustainable for the customers. Counting backwards, in the year 2017, the United States health care expenses figured around $3.5 trillion which makes the health care one of the country’s largest industry. It equals to about 17.9% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. Comparatively now, the health care costs if it is being calculated accounts to about $10,739 per individual (Strunk, 2001). The projected 6% growth in medical expenses as of 2019 simply aligns with the 5.5% to 7% as counted through the past five years.